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Lessons From the Eagle

I was having lunch with a friend today and we were talking about that “point” we all reach when we figure out…”I don’t have all the answers” to life, to love, to what makes the world go around.  It’s really humorous to consider that we question God at those moments like He’s the one who’s lost it.  Truth is…He’s just waiting on us to figure out something that He put instinctively into the Eagle.  Of course the eagle is known for the amazing skills of flight, hunting, eyesight, and riding out the storms.

The instinct that is in the eagle that allows him to rise so high is that he learns early in life that he cannot ascend by flapping his wings.  The continual flapping actually works against the power and extensive wingspan that God blessed him with as a bird.  The flapping completely zaps the eagle of his strength and will absolutely lead to his demise if he continues in futility.  Instead of flapping, the eagle “positions” himself with a huge leap of faith and then spreads out those wings against a bold current and then simply rides the current until it drives him into another level….amazingly–the strongest winds against him are the ones he uses to rise the highest.  OK–ENTER the human parallel…you and I can keep trying to “flap” our way into the next place, level, position and wear ourselves out…eventually finding that we haven’t made the progress we had hoped or attained the levels we’ve dreamed about.

The preference of course is to take the leap of faith and spread our wings of prayer, and trust until we find the lifting of God’s voice and Spirit into the next level, despite the storms that come our way.  I can tell you that everyone has storms and its a fact that those storms will continue throughout our lives, but we don’t have to let those storms exhaust us as we flap our way down to a certain crash.  How about you…you ready to take the leap of faith and soar?  If flapping is working for you and you’ve got the breathe to keep it up…go for it.  I’m flying a different way, flying higher despite the storms and it feels so much better.


Randy K. Blue


  1. Rene' Davis
    February 20, 2011 at 12:36 am

    How can I be “steadfast” in you Lord, when the storms come and the winds blow in my life? His answer to me….”You shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of living water”(Psalms 1) A beautiful passage of scripture given to me, a seeking heart… at a time in my life when I was continually flapping my wings. As you said Randy, flying a different way, “his way” well…it’s the best!
    Thank you for an encouraging word…..Rene’

    • rkblue
      February 22, 2011 at 8:11 pm

      Glad it blessed you Rene’

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